I set the alarm on my phone for 4:40 AM, but it was a futile effort as I was waking up every hour anyway. At 4:39 I turned my phone off to skip the alarm, and rolled out of bed. I checked the temperature at Kings Beach. 34 degrees with 32 degrees expected at the 7AM start. This should be fun. It had snowed the night before and there were pictures all over Facebook of the snow on the ground in T2. It was expected to melt but it struck fear in the hearts of all of us! I immediately grubbed down two Cliff Bars and drank a full glass of water. This would start my system off with 500 quality calories and some hydration. I was hoping for a little extra help to have my race-day port-a-potty release so I swallowed about ½ a cup of coffee. I layered up my clothes, grabbed my special needs bags, and loaded up in the car to head down to the start line. My stomach was tied up in knots. Like a soldier heading off to war, the fear of the unknown was playing tricks on my mind and it took a lot...
A wheel is continuous, no beginning and no end. The wheel is held true by spokes. It is these spokes that make up our lives. These are my spokes.